Acesso às políticas locais de saúde: um estudo sobre as políticas indigenistas no Amazonas

dc.contributor.authorPalheta, Rosiane Pinheiro
dc.creator.affilliationSecretaria Municipal de Saúde. Fundação Hospital Adriano Jorge. Manaus, AM, Brasilen_US
dc.description.abstractenThis research project focuses on indigenist health policies in the Amazonas depart­ment (Brazil) and its object of study is the Conselho Distrital de Saúde Indígena (Condisi), in the framework of the Secretaria Especial de Saúde Indígena de Manaus (Sesai). The ob­jective of the study is to analyze how the participation of indigenous populations has been incorporated into local health policies, through the presence of indigenous leaders in the construction of the Distritos Sanitários Especiais Indígenas (dsei). The central objective of the research is to examine indigenous participation in the indigenist health policy of Manaus. Its main assumption is that the indigenous movement has adopted the strategies of national society in order to claim rights pertaining to their self-determination, with effective achievements in the context of indigenist policies. The methodology included bibliographic, documentary, and field research, using observation and semi-structured interviews carried out between 2011 and 2013. Six indigenous leaders from Condisi were interviewed after they read and signed the free and informed consent form. The content analysis technique made it possible to make inferences regarding the messages and the conditions in which they are produced and reproduced, the veiled aspects that were not explicit in their statements, but that could be read between the lines and in the way the in­terviewees expressed themselves. Data analysis results showed that participation, as both an analytical and empirical category, was the central object of the research. This made it necessary to reconstruct the path followed by participation in the history of Brazilian democratic construction. However, despite the common aspects found in the participa­tion in public policies, the research leads us to conclude that according to the indigenous view, said participation is far from the aspirations of that population and from the reasons for the struggle of the indigenous movement in the country, which is self-determination, that is, defining and implementing policies according to the needs and specificities of the indigenous peoples. The conclusion is that including indigenous claims to the innova­tions and changes in health policies has not improved healthcare or achieved effective changes in the daily lives of that population.en_US
dc.identifier.citationPALHETA, Rosiane Pinheiro. Acesso às políticas locais de saúde: um estudo sobre as políticas indigenistas no Amazonas. Revista Colombiana de Sociología, v. 40, n. 2, p. 287-309, 2017.en_US
dc.publisherUniversidade Estadual de Colômbiaen_US
dc.rightsopen accessen_US
dc.subject.decsSaúde de Populações Indígenasen_US
dc.subject.decsÍndios Sul-Americanosen_US
dc.subject.decsEcossistema Amazônicoen_US
dc.subject.decsSistemas Locais de Saúdeen_US
dc.subject.decsSistemas de Saúdeen_US
dc.subject.decsAlimentos, Dieta e Nutriçãoen_US
dc.subject.otherÍndios Sul-Americanosen_US
dc.subject.otherRegião Norteen_US
dc.subject.otherSaúde de Populações Indígenasen_US
dc.subject.otherRegião Amazônicaen_US
dc.subject.otherDistritos Sanitários Especiais Indígenasen_US
dc.subject.otherPolítica de Saúde Indígenaen_US
dc.subject.otherAlimentação e Nutriçãoen_US
dc.titleAcesso às políticas locais de saúde: um estudo sobre as políticas indigenistas no Amazonasen_US
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